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Waste Management Tenders: The Updated Waste Management Plan for England

10th February 2021

A breakdown of the government’s updated waste management plan and what it means for waste management tenders

As we produce waste in almost every aspect of our lives, there is a constant stream waste management tenders. Waste management includes the storage, collection, transportation and disposal of all forms of waste. Waste management also includes the monitoring and regulation of waste. Such tenders are published by both the public and private sectors.

The UK government has released their updated Waste Management Plan for England (WMPE) for 2021. It’s updated every six years and it reflects the UK’s 2050 net-zero emission ambition and other sustainability goals. This includes the government’s target to recycle 65% of municipal waste, limiting landfill of municipal waste to 10% by 2035.

Waste management tenders have become increasingly competitive with everyone in the industry hoping to get a slice of the action. This has already seen an increase in commercial waste removal, disposal and recycling waste management tenders.

What areas of waste do waste management tenders cover?

Below are just a few examples of waste management subsections that might be put out to tender:

  • Food waste
  • Clinical waste
  • Recycling
  • Waste removal and clearance
  • Technology waste
  • Waste management, support and disposal
  • Wastewater treatment plant construction and equipment works and services
  • Underground waste containers
  • Hazardous waste
  • Scrap waste
  • Chemical waste
  • Residual waste treatment infrastructure solutions

Buyers are ultimately looking for you to meet their bespoke needs while contributing to their overall waste requirements. They want to know how you’ll meet their requirements while maximising innovation, adding value and maximising compliance. You also need to demonstrate how you will keep cost and disruption to a minimum.

What does the updated Waste Management Plan for England include?

The updated WMPE has a primary focus on sustainability, green solutions and the environment. It aims to bring current waste management policies under the umbrella of one national plan.

The new initiatives hope to achieve waste reduction targets helping deal with the ever-increasing amount of waste. They hope through doing this, that it sets a vision to move to a more circular economy.

The Resources and Waste Strategy

The Resources and Waste Strategy aims to preserve material resources by minimising waste and promoting resource efficiency. It hopes to minimise the damage caused to the natural environment. The government hopes to do this by tackling waste crime and reducing and managing waste safely and carefully.

The Resources and Waste Strategy identifies five strategic ambitions in line with the 25 Year Environment Plan. These are:

  1. To work towards all plastic packaging on the market being recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025.
  2. Work towards eliminating food waste to landfill by 2030.
  3. To eliminate avoidable plastic waste over the lifetime of the 25 Year Environment Plan.
  4. To double resource productivity by 2050.
  5. To eliminate avoidable waste of all kinds by 2050.

When applying for government waste management tenders, it may be worth thinking about some innovative waste treatment technologies. The government encourages those waste management treatments that:

  • Have efficient waste recovery from residual waste.
  • Have environmental benefits.
  • Reduce carbon impacts.
  • Provide economic opportunities.
  • Have innovative technologies that improve the environmental outcome for the treatment of residual waste.

For example, how you use technologies that could then create transport fuels through the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation.

The Resources and Waste Strategy will unlock the increased investment needed in the infrastructure to support delivery on green solutions. Moreover, they will help support the finance and delivery of those policies and ambitions. This is another thing to consider when writing your waste management tenders. Green, sustainable solutions that reduce waste are what they are looking for.

Waste Management Plan

The Waste Management Plan, known as “the Plan” will fulfil the requirements of the Waste Regulations 20114. It has a focus on waste prevention through policies that support activities that:

  • Reuse
  • Repair
  • Recycle
  • Remanufacture

Waste Hierarchy

  1. Prevention

Prevention within the waste hierarchy means the use of less material in design and manufacturing. It has an emphasis on keeping products for longer, reusing them and using less hazardous materials.

  1. Preparing for reuse

This involves checking, cleaning, repairing, refurbishing whole items or spare parts.

  1. Recycling

Turning waste into a new substance or product. This includes anaerobic digestion and composting.

  1. Other recovery

Other recovery includes material from waste and some landfilling. It also includes co-incineration plants and incineration plants (including gasification and pyrolysis) that have R1 status.

  1. Disposal

Disposal includes landfill and incineration plants (including gasification and pyrolysis) that don’t have R1 status.

Green Finance Strategy

The government’s Green Finance Strategy has been published in accordance with their 10 Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution. These combined, set a clear framework for how investment will be increased. They have a focus on key clean growth and environmental sectors.

3 things to remember when writing your government waste management tenders:

  1. Environmental considerations and benefits

If this hasn’t already been made clear, with all waste management tenders, you must consider the environmental impact. All successful waste management tenders will deliver environmental benefits.

For example, if writing a housing waste management tender, in nearly all cases, successful bids proposed delivery enhanced recycling services. You would want to include how you will make it easier for residents to recycle.

  1. Qualifications and Accreditations

Qualifications and accreditations are an important aspect when writing your tender response. The buyer will want to know that you’re qualified to carry out the contract. Some examples of relevant qualifications, accreditations and policies that may be needed are:

  • ISO 9001; 14001; 18001; 27000
  • RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations)
  • CHAS (Contractor Health & Safety Assessment)
  • EMS (Environmental Management Systems)
  1. The Specification

This may sound obvious, but you must read the specification. You need to understand exactly what the buyer requires and clearly state how you supply it. You must demonstrate how you meet, exceed and improve their goals and expectations. Do you offer anything your competitors don’t? You want to convince the contractor that you are the best business for the job.

Pay attention to the word or page count. They are there for a reason. If the question is asking for a 500-word response, you will likely need to go into detail. A couple of sentences just won’t suffice. Write clearly and concisely and don’t allow the buyer to make any assumptions. 

Where can I find waste management tenders?

So, you now know what to include and consider when writing your government waste management tenders. You may be wondering where to find such tendering opportunities. You likely don’t have the time to search through thousands of websites every day.

Enter – our Facilities Tenders portal.

Facilities Tenders is an opportunity tracking platform where we source all tenders from across the UK. We then manually upload them to one convenient place saving you countless hours.

Unlike other portals that use CPV codes, we use manual tracking. CPV codes can be unreliable, thus leaving room for missed opportunities. On our portal, you can filter all live tenders by using keywords, location, budget and more. This takes the headache out of searching for waste management tenders, leaving you time to focus on the important things.

A subscription with Facilities Tenders offers your business:

  • A team of Opportunity Trackers that source waste management tenders from 1000s of sites daily.
  • Access to all public and private sector opportunities across the UK.
  • A dedicated Account Manager to answer any queries or questions you may have.
  • A 20-minute free consultancy call every month with one of our bid experts.
  • Discounted support from Hudson Succeed, our bid writing division.
  • A daily email bulletin sent directly to your inbox of all the live tenders posted that day. This saves you even more time to focus on running your business.

Here are some past examples of waste management tenders we have recently sourced:

2042 – Provision of Waste Management Services

An Post- Ireland- Budget: Undisclosed


Framework Agreement for General Waste Management Services

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire Police- Yorkshire and Humber- Budget: £5,500,000


General Waste Management Services

Yorkshire and Humber Police Procurement (Y&HPP)- Yorkshire and Humber- Budget: Undisclosed


Waste Management and Waste Recycling Services

7 Forces Procurement- Eastern- Budget: Undisclosed


Single Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Waste Management Services to HRI Racecourses

Horse Racing Ireland (HRI)- Ireland- Budget: Undisclosed


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Bid Writing Support

Here at Hudson, we have over 40 years bid writing experience across a variety of industries. Once you’ve found the right waste management tender for your business, we can help you with your bid response.

Our Bid Writers have an 87% success rate and are happy to support you with your waste management tender. Whether this is your first time to tendering or you simply need someone to take a look at your response. We have four packages to suit your needs:

Contact our team today to find out how we can help your business grow.